This paper explores the applicability of the new paradigm of Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Programming to represent an agent’s view of the combination of societal knowledge dyn...
Universidade de ´Evora’s Integrated Information System (SIIUE) aims at representing the entire universe of concepts useful for the management and day-to-day operation of the Or...
This paper explores the applicability of the new paradigm of Multi-dimensional Dynamic Logic Programming to represent an agent’s view of the combination of societal knowledge dyn...
Abstract. Belief Logic Programming (BLP) is a novel form of quantitative logic programming in the presence of uncertain and inconsistent information, which was designed to be able ...
We review the Italian contribution to proof-theoretic and higher-order extensions of logic programming; this originated from the realization that Horn clauses lacked standard abstr...
Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) is one of the most successful branches of Logic Programming; it attracts the interest of theoreticians and practitioners, and it is currently use...
The learning system Progol5 and the underlying inference method of Bottom Generalisation are firmly established within Inductive Logic Programming (ILP). But despite their success...
Abstract logic programming is about designing logic programming languages via the proof theoretic notion of uniform provability. It allows the design of purely logical, very expres...
Abstract. Logic programming has often been considered less than adequate for modelling the dynamics of knowledge changing over time. In this paper we describe Evolving Logic Progra...
In this paper we define the notion of a compatibility relation so as to have a common framework for three nonmonotonic reasoning systems: normal logic programming, extended logic ...