Logistic systems analysts use a wide array of modeling systems such as algebraic and logic programs. Two simple examples show how they mesh as Constraint Logic programs, emphasizin...
In this overview we show how Knowledge Representation (KR) can be done with the help of generalized logic programs. We start by introducing the core of PROLOG, which is based on de...
Synthesis of logic programs is considered as a special instance of logic programming. We describe experience made within a logical metaprogramming environment whose central compone...
We present a framework for encoding planning problems in logic programs with negation as failure, having computational e ciency as our major consideration. In order to accomplish o...
Abstract. A formal and effective approach to the extension of the computational behaviour of logic programs is presented. The approach builds upon the following concepts. The exte...
We introduce the notion of bounded nondeterminism for logic programs and queries. A program and a query have bounded nondeterminism if there are finitely many refutations for the...
This paper presents the rst approximation method of the nite-failure set of a logic program by set-based analysis. In a dual view, the method yields a type analysis for programs wi...
Andreas Podelski, Witold Charatonik, Martin Mü...
Unfold/fold transformation systems for logic programs have been extensively investigated. Existing unfold/fold transformation systems for normal logic programs allow only Tamaki-Sa...
Abhik Roychoudhury, K. Narayan Kumar, C. R. Ramakr...
Logic Programming as well as Virtual Reality applications have achieved a lot in the last few years. In this paper we present an architecture, a methodology and two simple example...
We describe a system for the synthesis of logic programs from specifications based on higher-order logical descriptions of appropriate refinement operations. The system has been ...