
134views Management» more  DMDW 2003»
14 years 3 months ago
Using Design Guidelines to Improve Data Warehouse Logical Design
Data Warehouse-(DW) logical design often start with a conceptual schema and then generates relational structures. Applying this approach implies to cope with two main aspects: (i) ...
Verónika Peralta, Raul Ruggia
194views Management» more  DMDW 2001»
14 years 3 months ago
Logical Multidimensional Database Design for Ragged and Unbalanced Aggregation
Research on logical design of OLAP cubes has tended to assume that the rollup hierarchy in a cube dimension takes the form of a balanced tree. However, experience from industry in...
Tapio Niemi, Jyrki Nummenmaa, Peter Thanisch
179views Education» more  SIGCSE 2005»
14 years 8 months ago
Design patterns for database pedagogy: a proposal
Courses in Relational Databases largely use a domain-specific design approach different from that used in the rest of the curriculum. Use of the Unified Process, UML, and Design P...
Thomas J. Marlowe, Cyril S. Ku, James W. Benham