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Abstract. Software security can be ensured by specifying and verifying security properties of software using formal methods with strong theoretical bases. In particular, programs c...
Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Slawomir Lasota, David Nowa...
The method of logical relations assigns a relational interpretation to types that expresses operational invariants satisfied by all terms of a type. The method is widely used in ...
In the book on Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages, Crary illustrates the reasoning technique of logical relations in a case study about equivalence checking. He pr...
Lax logical relations are a categorical generalisation of logical relations; though they preserve product types, they need not preserve exponential types. But, like logical relatio...
Gordon D. Plotkin, John Power, Donald Sannella, Ro...
We present a sound and complete proof technique, based on syntactic logical relations, for showing contextual equivalence of expressions in a -calculus with recursive types and imp...
Semantic matching determines the mappings between the nodes of two graphs (e.g., ontologies) by computing logical relations (e.g., subsumption) holding among the nodes that corresp...
Fausto Giunchiglia, Pavel Shvaiko, Mikalai Yatskev...
Interesting properties of programs can be expressed using contextual equivalence. The latter is difficult to prove directly, hence (pre-)logical relations are often used as a tool ...
Abstract. We study a weakening of the notion of logical relations, called prelogical relations, that has many of the features that make logical relations so useful but having furth...
Abstract. Security properties are profitably expressed using notions of contextual equivalence, and logical relations are a powerful proof technique to establish contextual equiva...
Jean Goubault-Larrecq, Slawomir Lasota, David Nowa...
Tait’s method (a.k.a. proof by logical relations) is a powerful proof technique frequently used for showing foundational properties of languages based on typed λ-calculi. Histo...