Lossless image compression techniques typically consider images to be a sequence of pixels in row major order. The processing of each pixel consists of two separate operations. Th...
A hypergraphs-based image representation is already used for 2D lossless image compression. In this paper we extend this hypergraph representation on 3D-image and we add an α-tol...
We present an image compression scheme that is error resilient and offers lossless decompression in the absence of channel noise. Attempts are made to detect transmission errors a...
Abstract- We present a novel and computationally simple prediction stage in a Daubechies 5/3 ? like lifting structure for lossless image compression. In the 5/3 wavelet, the predic...
A progressive image compression scheme is investigated using reversible integer discrete cosine transform (RDCT) which is derived from the matrix factorization theory. Previous te...
Lei Wang, Jiaji Wu, Licheng Jiao, Li Zhang, Guangm...