We propose an approach to classify the film classes by using low level features and visual features. This approach aims to classify the films into genres. Our current domain of stu...
We address the problem of classifying scenes from feature films into semantic categories and propose a robust framework for this problem. We propose that the Finite State Machines ...
The hypothesis veri cation stage of the traditional image processing approach, consisting of low, medium, and high level processing, will su er if the set of low level features ext...
This paper discusses a new technique for detecting affective events using Hidden Markov Models(HMM). To map low level features of video data to high level emotional events, we per...
Behavior understanding and semantic interpretation of dynamic visual scenes have attracted a lot of attention in computer vision research community. Although the use of surveillan...
Ahmed Azough, Alexandre Delteil, Fabien De Marchi,...
Recognizing and localizing specular (or mirror-like) surfaces from a single image is a great challenge to computer vision. Unlike other materials, the appearance of a specular sur...