In this paper, a structural property of the set of lozenge tilings of a 2n-gon is highlighted. We introduce a simple combinatorial value called Hamming-distance, which is a lower b...
It has been known since [Zyablov and Pinsker 1982] that a random q-ary code of rate 1 − Hq(ρ) − ε (where 0 < ρ < 1 − 1/q, ε > 0 and Hq(·) is the q-ary entropy ...
—We study the one-way number-on-the-forhead (NOF) communication complexity of the k-layer pointer jumping problem. Strong lower bounds for this problem would have important impli...
—The Gap-Hamming-Distance problem arose in the context of proving space lower bounds for a number of key problems in the data stream model. In this problem, Alice and Bob have to...
One of the strongest techniques available for showing lower bounds on quantum communication complexity is the logarithm of the approximation rank of the communication matrix— th...
We propose an efficient method that applies directed soft arc consistency to a Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP) which is a fundamental framework of multi-agent ...
We study the geometrical shape of the partitions of the input space created by the allocation rule of a truthful mechanism for multi-unit auctions with multidimensional types and ...
The (M, W)-controller, originally studied by Afek, Awerbuch, Plotkin, and Saks, is a basic ted tool that provides an abstraction for managing the consumption of a global resource ...
The AND problem on t bits is a promise decision problem where either at most one bit of the input is set to 1 (NO instance) or all t bits are set to 1 (YES instance). In this note...
Automata on infinite words (ω-automata) have wide applications in formal language theory as well as in modeling and verifying reactive systems. Complementation of ωautomata is ...