We give an exponential lower bound on number of proof-lines in the proof system K of modal logic, i.e., we give an example of K-tautologies 1, 2, . . . s.t. every K-proof of i must...
A well-known theorem of Mader [5] states that highly connected subgraphs can be forced in finite graphs by assuming a high minimum degree. Solving a problem of Diestel [2], we ex...
This paper presents strategies for improving the known upper and lower bounds for the bandwidth of Hamming graphs (Kn)d and [0, 1]d. Our labeling strategy lowers the upper bound o...
J. Balogh, Sergei L. Bezrukov, L. H. Harper, &Aacu...
We study the circuit complexity of the powering function, defined as POWm(Z) = Zm for an n-bit integer input Z and an integer exponent m poly(n). Let LTd denote the class of func...
: We consider in this paper a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem in which the first machine processes jobs individually while the second machine processes jobs in batches. The...
Given a set of n elements, each of which is colored one of c 2 colors, we must determine an element of the plurality (most frequently occurring) color by pairwise equal/unequal co...
We present polynomial upper and lower bounds on the number of iterations performed by the k-means method (a.k.a. Lloyd's method) for k-means clustering. Our upper bounds are ...
We prove a lower bound on the optimal price for a fairly large class of blocking systems with general arrival and service processes, determine optimal price expressions for M/M/1/...