
85views more  JSYML 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Lower bounds for modal logics
We give an exponential lower bound on number of proof-lines in the proof system K of modal logic, i.e., we give an example of K-tautologies 1, 2, . . . s.t. every K-proof of i must...
Pavel Hrubes
68views more  JGT 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Forcing highly connected subgraphs
A well-known theorem of Mader [5] states that highly connected subgraphs can be forced in finite graphs by assuming a high minimum degree. Solving a problem of Diestel [2], we ex...
Maya Jakobine Stein
71views more  TOC 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
The One-Way Communication Complexity of Hamming Distance
Abstract: Consider the following version of the Hamming distance problem for
T. S. Jayram, Ravi Kumar, D. Sivakumar
14 years 2 months ago
On the bandwidth of 3-dimensional Hamming graphs
This paper presents strategies for improving the known upper and lower bounds for the bandwidth of Hamming graphs (Kn)d and [0, 1]d. Our labeling strategy lowers the upper bound o...
J. Balogh, Sergei L. Bezrukov, L. H. Harper, &Aacu...
111views more  IPL 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Powering requires threshold depth 3
We study the circuit complexity of the powering function, defined as POWm(Z) = Zm for an n-bit integer input Z and an integer exponent m poly(n). Let LTd denote the class of func...
Alexander A. Sherstov
56views more  ANOR 2005»
14 years 2 months ago
Two-Machine Flowshop Batching and Scheduling
: We consider in this paper a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem in which the first machine processes jobs individually while the second machine processes jobs in batches. The...
Bertrand M. T. Lin, T. C. Edwin Cheng
97views more  TALG 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Average-case lower bounds for the plurality problem
Given a set of n elements, each of which is colored one of c 2 colors, we must determine an element of the plurality (most frequently occurring) color by pairwise equal/unequal co...
Laurent Alonso, Edward M. Reingold
108views more  ALGORITHMICA 2005»
14 years 2 months ago
How Fast Is the k-Means Method?
We present polynomial upper and lower bounds on the number of iterations performed by the k-means method (a.k.a. Lloyd's method) for k-means clustering. Our upper bounds are ...
Sariel Har-Peled, Bardia Sadri
64views more  ORL 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Optimal prices for finite capacity queueing systems
We prove a lower bound on the optimal price for a fairly large class of blocking systems with general arrival and service processes, determine optimal price expressions for M/M/1/...
Serhan Ziya, Hayriye Ayhan, Robert D. Foley