
14 years 1 months ago
An Auxiliary Variational Method
Variational methods have proved popular and effective for inference and learning in intractable graphical models. An attractive feature of the approaches based on the Kullback-Lei...
Felix V. Agakov, David Barber
14 years 1 months ago
Lower Bounds and Non-Uniform Time Discretization for Approximation of Stochastic Heat Equations
We study algorithms for approximation of the mild solution of stochastic heat equations on the spatial domain ]0, 1[ d . The error of an algorithm is defined in L2-sense. We derive...
Klaus Ritter, Thomas Müller-Gronbach
14 years 1 months ago
The communication complexity of the Exact-N Problem revisited
If Alice has x, y, Bob has x, z and Carol has y, z can they determine if x + y + z = N? They can if (say) Alice broadcasts x to Bob and Carol; can they do better? Chandra, Furst, a...
William I. Gasarch, James Glenn, Andrey Utis
14 years 1 months ago
Detecting Disjoint Inconsistent Subformulas for Computing Lower Bounds for Max-SAT
Many lower bound computation methods for branch and bound Max-SAT solvers can be explained as procedures that search for disjoint inconsistent subformulas in the Max-SAT instance ...
Chu Min Li, Felip Manyà, Jordi Planes
14 years 1 months ago
Labeling Schemes with Queries
Recently, quite a few papers studied methods for representing network properties by assigning informative labels to the vertices of a network. Consulting the labels given to any t...
Amos Korman, Shay Kutten
14 years 1 months ago
Loop Series and Bethe Variational Bounds in Attractive Graphical Models
Variational methods are frequently used to approximate or bound the partition or likelihood function of a Markov random field. Methods based on mean field theory are guaranteed ...
Erik B. Sudderth, Martin J. Wainwright, Alan S. Wi...
14 years 1 months ago
Error Bounds for Lanczos Approximations of Rational Functions of Matrices
Abstract. Having good estimates or even bounds for the error in computing approximations to expressions of the form f(A)v is very important in practical applications. In this paper...
Andreas Frommer, Valeria Simoncini
120views Algorithms» more  APPROX 2010»
14 years 2 months ago
Uniform Derandomization from Pathetic Lower Bounds
A recurring theme in the literature on derandomization is that probabilistic algorithms can be simulated quickly by deterministic algorithms, if one can obtain impressive (i.e., s...
Eric Allender, Vikraman Arvind, Fengming Wang
14 years 2 months ago
Inferring Social Networks from Outbreaks
We consider the problem of inferring the most likely social network given connectivity constraints imposed by observations of outbreaks within the network. Given a set of vertices ...
Dana Angluin, James Aspnes, Lev Reyzin
14 years 2 months ago
Cracks in the Defenses: Scouting Out Approaches on Circuit Lower Bounds
Razborov and Rudich identified an imposing barrier that stands in the way of progress toward the goal of proving superpolynomial lower bounds on circuit size. Their work on "n...
Eric Allender