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Identifying maternal and paternal inheritance is essential to be able to find the set of genes responsible for a particular disease. However, due to technological limitations, we ...
For some problems with many solutions, like planning and phylogeny reconstruction, one way to compute more desirable solutions is to assign weights to solutions, and then pick the ...
We present a formal framework where the action description language C+ is used to provide multiple robots with high-level reasoning in the style of cognitive robotics. We show the ...
Ozan Caldiran, Kadir Haspalamutgil, Abdullah Ok, C...
Abstract. Belief Logic Programming (BLP) is a novel form of quantitative logic programming in the presence of uncertain and inconsistent information, which was designed to be able ...
Several proposals of the semantics of aggregates are based on different extensions of the stable model semantics, which makes it difficult to compare them. In this note, building ...
Abstract. In answer-set programming (ASP), the main focus usually is on computing answer sets which correspond to solutions to the problem represented by a logic program. Simple re...
This note summarizes the use of Answer Set Programming to solve various computational problems to infer phylogenetic trees and phylogenetic networks, and discusses its applicabilit...
Abstract. We study the complexity of consistency checking and query answering on incomplete databases for languages ranging from non-recursive Datalog to disjunctive Datalog with n...