Communicating answer set programming is a framework to represent and reason about the combined knowledge of multiple agents using the idea of stable models. The semantics and expre...
Kim Bauters, Steven Schockaert, Dirk Vermeir, Mart...
This paper investigates a new approach for computing the inference of defeasible logic. The algorithm proposed can substantially reduced the theory size increase due to transformat...
Over the last 25 years there has been considerable body of research into combinations of predicate logic and probability forming what has become known as (perhaps misleadingly) sta...
We present an approach to integrating rules and ontologies on the basis of the first-order stable model semantics defined by Ferraris, Lee and Lifschitz. We show that a few exist...
Abstract. Multi-context systems are a formalism to interlink decentralized and heterogeneous knowledge based systems (contexts), which interact via (possibly nonmonotonic) bridge r...