In this paper, we propose a novel MAC protocol, called Quality-ofservice Guarantee Multiple Access (QGMA), in wireless local area networks to support the quality of service requir...
The IEEE 802.11x MAC protocol, the de facto standard for wireless LANs, includes a distributed coordination function (DCF) mode usable for ad hoc network architectures. The Transm...
Abstract. A MAC protocol specifies how nodes in a sensor network access a shared communication channel. Desired properties of such MAC protocol are: it should be distributed and c...
Costas Busch, Malik Magdon-Ismail, Fikret Sivrikay...
— Many MAC sub-layer protocols for supporting the usage of directional antennas in ad hoc networks have been proposed in literature. However, there remain two open issues that ar...
Gentian Jakllari, Wenjie Luo, Srikanth V. Krishnam...
Recently, several directional MAC protocols using smart antennas or directional antennas have been proposed for wireless ad hoc networks including our proposed MAC protocol called...
This paper presents AMCM, a traffic-adaptive multichannel MAC protocol that increases the capacity of wireless network by enabling multiple concurrent transmissions on orthogonal...
— Medium access control (MAC) protocols have been studied under different contexts for several years now. In all these MAC protocols, nodes make independent decisions on when to ...
— In this paper, we develop contention-based medium access control (MAC) schemes for both best-effort data transmissions and delay-sensitive multimedia transmissions over WLANs. ...
Fanglei Sun, Victor O. K. Li, Zhifeng Diao, Zhengy...
—The interaction between MAC protocols and interference in wireless multi-hop networks introduces extra constraints on achievable flow rates. In this paper, we formulate an optim...
Recently, several MAC protocols using directional antennas have been proposed for ad hoc networks, which are mainly evaluated by computer simulations. This paper develops a MAC pr...