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Mailing list archives (i.e., the compilation of the messages posted up-to-now) are often published on the web and indexed by conventional search engines.They store a vast knowledg...
Developers often use electronic mailing lists when seeking assistance with a particular software application. The archives of these mailing lists provide a rich repository of prob...
A number of people are exchanging e-mail messages everyday using mobile phones and PDAs. E-mail is useful not only for oneto-one communication but group communication through mail...
We have developed a new powerful group communication system qwikWeb, which is an integration of a WikiWikiWeb (wiki) and a mailing list system. Mailing lists are useful for exchan...
Following and understanding discussions on mailing lists is a prevalent task for executives and policy makers in order to get an impression of one’s company image. However, exist...
Mailing lists are a natural technology for supporting messaging in multi-party, cross-domain collaborative tasks. However, whenever sensitive information is exchanged on such list...
Rakeshbabu Bobba, Joe Muggli, Meenal Pant, Jim Bas...