Multipath routing protocols have proved to be able to enhance the performance of MANET in terms of reliability, load balancing, multimedia streaming, security, etc. However, deplo...
ct 8 As a result of resource limitations, state in branch predictors is frequently shared between uncorrelated branches. This interference 9 can significantly limit prediction acc...
Veerle Desmet, Hans Vandierendonck, Koen De Bossch...
Examining the validity or accuracy of proposed available bandwidth estimation tools remains a challenging problem. A common approach consists of evaluating a newly developed tool ...
This paper describes a new method of executing a software program on an FPGA for embedded systems. Rather than combine reconfigurable logic with a microprocessor core, this method...
A unique method has been developed to scavenge solar energy from monocrystalline solar cells to power wireless router nodes that are used in indoor applications. This method elimi...
Abhiman Hande, Todd Polk, William Walker, Dinesh B...
Cellular computing architectures represent an important class of computation that are characterized by simple processing elements, local interconnect and massive parallelism. Thes...
Reid B. Porter, Jan R. Frigo, Al Conti, Neal R. Ha...