
14 years 4 months ago
Sea Based Logistics: Distribution Problems for Future Global Contingencies
Evolving doctrine in the U. S. Marine Corps emphasizes small, highly-mobile forces, supported from the sea rather than from large, land-based supply points. We introduce some emer...
Keebom Kang, Kevin R. Gue
14 years 4 months ago
Marine Corps Analytic Modeling and Simulation
The Marine Corps has instituted a new Mission Area Analysis (MAA) process to identify operational requirements and deficiencies. In the past, the MAA process was subjective and so...
William A. Sawyers
14 years 4 months ago
Prototyping Advanced Warfare Gaming Capabilities for the 21st Century Warfighter
The United States Marine Corps has a unique role in development of the next-generation warfare gaming system for command staff training. This system, titled the Joint Simulation S...
Curtis L. Blais
14 years 4 months ago
TALPS: The T-AVB Automated Load Planning System
Due to military drawdowns and the need for additional transportation lift requirements, the US MARINE CORPS developed a concept wherein they had modified a commercial container sh...
Paul S. Cerkez