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Stochastic image modeling based on conventional Markov random fields is extensively discussed in the literature. A new stochastic image model based on Markov random fields is intr...
Abstract--This work studies the near-optimality versus the complexity of distributed configuration management for wireless networks. We first develop a global probabilistic graphic...
We propose a framework for intensity-based registration of images by linear transformations, based on a discrete Markov Random Field (MRF) formulation. Here, the challenge arises ...
Darko Zikic, Ben Glocker, Oliver Kutter, Martin Gr...
Contextual reasoning through graphical models such as Markov Random Fields often show superior performance against local classifiers in many domains. Unfortunately, this performanc...
We present a novel representation for modeling textured regions subject to smooth variations in orientation and scale. Utilizing the steerable pyramid of Simoncelli and Freeman as...
Abstract. Region-based approaches have been proposed to computerassisted colorization problem, typically using shape similarity and topology relations between regions. Given a colo...
—This paper presents a robust and automatic approach to photometric stereo, where the two main components, namely surface normals and visible surfaces, are respectively optimized...
A new framework is presented for both understanding and developing graph-cut based combinatorial algorithms suitable for the approximate optimization of a very wide class of MRFs ...
Markov random fields are designed to represent structured dependencies among large collections of random variables, and are well-suited to capture the structure of real-world sign...
Tanya Roosta, Martin J. Wainwright, Shankar S. Sas...
The two major Markov Random Fields (MRF) based algorithms for image segmentation are the Simulated Annealing (SA) and Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM). In practice, compared to the...