Query answering algorithms on Xml streams check answer candidates on the fly in order to avoid the unnecessary buffering whenever possible. The delay and concurrency of a query ...
Abstract. We show a Θ(n log n) bound on the maximal number of occurrences of primitively-rooted k-th powers occurring in a string of length n for any integer k, k ≥ 2. We also s...
We prove that there is no cubic graph with diameter 4 on 40 vertices. This implies that the maximal number of vertices of a (3,4)-graph is 38. ? 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rig...
Packing density is a permutation occurrence statistic which describes the maximal number of permutations of a given type that can occur in another permutation. In this article we ...
Abstract Computing frequent itemsets is one of the most prominent problems in data mining. Recently, a new related problem, called FREQSAT, was introduced and studied: given some i...
Discretization refers to splitting the range of continuous values into intervals so as to provide useful information about classes. This is usually done by minimizing a goodness m...
Given a family of Horn clauses, what is the minimal number of Horn clauses implying all other clauses in the family? What is the maximal number of Horn clauses from the family wit...
Marina Langlois, Dhruv Mubayi, Robert H. Sloan, Gy...
Computing frequent itemsets is one of the most prominent problems in data mining. We introduce a new, related problem, called FREQSAT: given some itemset-interval pairs, does ther...
The width of a resolution proof is the maximal number of literals in any clause of the proof. The space of a proof is the maximal number of clauses kept in memory simultaneously if...