Given a set P of points (clients) in the plane, a Euclidean 2-centre of P is a set of two points (facilities) in the plane such that the maximum distance from any client to its ne...
The eccentric digraph ED(G) of a digraph G represents the binary relation, defined on the vertex set of G, of being `eccentric'; that is, there is an arc from u to v in ED(G)...
The notion of universally decodable matrices (UDMs) was recently introduced by Tavildar and Viswanath while studying slow fading channels. It turns out that the problem of construc...
We develop a simple and practical exact algorithm for the problem of locating p facilities and assigning clients7 to them within capacity restrictions in order to minimize the max...
The high repair cost of (n, k) Maximum Distance Separable (MDS) erasure codes has recently motivated a new class of codes, called Regenerating Codes, that optimally trade off stor...
This paper presents a supervised manifold learning model for dimensionality reduction in image and video classification tasks. Unlike most manifold learning models that emphasize ...
A new morphological gradient operator for colour images is introduced that can be viewed as a direct extension of the well known morphological gradient. In this approach, each pix...