
14 years 28 days ago
Finding Short Definitions of Terms on Web Pages
We present a system that finds short definitions of terms on Web pages. It employs a Maximum Entropy classifier, but it is trained on automatically generated examples; hence, it i...
Gerasimos Lampouras, Ion Androutsopoulos
14 years 29 days ago
Paraphrase Recognition Using Machine Learning to Combine Similarity Measures
This paper presents three methods that can be used to recognize paraphrases. They all employ string similarity measures apshallow abstractions of the input sentences, and a Maximu...
Prodromos Malakasiotis
14 years 1 months ago
An extractive supervised two-stage method for sentence compression
We present a new method that compresses sentences by removing words. In a first stage, it generates candidate compressions by removing branches from the source sentence's dep...
Dimitrios Galanis, Ion Androutsopoulos
14 years 4 months ago
Calibrating Features for Semantic Role Labeling
This paper takes a critical look at the features used in the semantic role tagging literature and show that the information in the input, generally a syntactic parse tree, has yet...
Nianwen Xue, Martha Palmer
14 years 4 months ago
Machine Learning of Temporal Relations
This paper investigates a machine learning approach for temporally ordering and anchoring events in natural language texts. To address data sparseness, we used temporal reasoning ...
Inderjeet Mani, Marc Verhagen, Ben Wellner, Chong ...
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14 years 4 months ago
Learning Morphology with Morfette
Morfette is a modular, data-driven, probabilistic system which learns to perform joint morphological tagging and lemmatization from morphologically annotated corpora. The system i...
Grzegorz Chrupala, Georgiana Dinu, Josef van Genab...
14 years 4 months ago
REBMEC: Repeat Based Maximum Entropy Classifier for Biological Sequences
An important problem in biological data analysis is to predict the family of a newly discovered sequence like a protein or DNA sequence, using the collection of available sequence...
Pratibha Rani, Vikram Pudi