
120views Fuzzy Logic» more  EUSFLAT 2009»
13 years 10 months ago
A Fuzzy-Semiotic Framework for Modeling Imprecision in the Assessment of Depression
This paper presents a new framework to model an assessment process for a complex and multidimensional syndrome such as depression. Since the measurements of depression are inherent...
Mila Kwiatkowska, Krzysztof Kielan, Krzysztof Mich...
150views more  INFORMATICALT 2002»
14 years 4 days ago
Application of Data Mining Technique for Diagnosis of Posterior Uveal Melanoma
Application of knowledge discovery in databases (data mining) for medical decision support is discussed in this work. The aim of the study was to use decision support algorithm for...
Darius Jegelevicius, Arunas Lukosevicius, Alvydas ...