Abstract. Searching in metric spaces is a very active field since it offers methods for indexing and searching by similarity in collections of unstructured data. These methods sele...
In the traveling repairman problem (Trp), a tour must be found through every one of a set of points (cities) in some metric space such that the weighted sum of completion times of ...
Sven Oliver Krumke, Willem de Paepe, Diana Poensge...
Similarity search in metric spaces has several important applications both in centralized and distributed environments. In centralized applications, such as similarity-based image ...
In this paper, we propose a new metric index, called M+ -tree, which is a tree dynamically organized for large datasets in metric spaces. The proposed M+ -tree takes full advantag...
The doubling constant of a metric space (X, d) is the smallest value λ such that every ball in X can be covered by λ balls of half the radius. The doubling dimension of X is the...
We define a natural notion of efficiency for approximate nearest-neighbor (ANN) search in general n-point metric spaces, namely the existence of a randomized algorithm which answ...
We consider the problem of partitioning, in a highly accurate and highly efficient way, a set of n documents lying in a metric space into k non-overlapping clusters. We augment th...
Filippo Geraci, Marco Pellegrini, Paolo Pisati, Fa...
Similarity search is a fundamental operation for applications that deal with unstructured data sources. In this paper we propose a new pivot-based method for similarity search, ca...
Abstract. The Evolutionary Geometric Near-neighbor Access Tree (EGNAT) is a recently proposed data structure that is suitable for indexing large collections of complex objects. It ...
We propose a new data structure to search in metric spaces. A metric space is formed by a collection of objects and a distance function de ned among them, which satis es the trian...