We propose a routing scheme to implement multicast communication in wireless networks. The scheme is oblivious, compact, and completely decentralized. It is intended to support dy...
Abstract—This paper addresses combinatorial optimization schemes for solving the multicriteria Steiner tree problem for communication network topology design (e.g., wireless mesh...
The k-MST problem requires finding that subset of at least k vertices of a given graph whose Minimum Spanning Tree has least weight amongst all subsets of at least k vertices. Th...
Let G(V, E) be a weighted, undirected, connected simple graph with n vertices and m edges. The k most vital edge problem with respect to minimum spanning trees is to find a set S o...
Minimum spanning tree algorithms have been proposed for the lossy compression of image sets. In these algorithms, a complete graph is constructed from the entire image set and an ...
Anthony Schmieder, Howard Cheng, Barry Gergel, Xia...
— Motivated by VLSI/ULSI routing applications, we present a heuristic for rectilinear Steiner minimal tree (RSMT) construction. We transform a rectilinear minimum spanning tree (...
Yin Wang, Xianlong Hong, Tong Jing, Yang Yang, Xia...
A linear-time algorithm for the minimum-ratio spanning tree problem on planar graphs is presented. The algorithm is based on a new planar minimum spanning tree algorithm. The appr...
We establish that the algorithmic complexity of the minimum spanning tree problem is equal to its decision-tree complexity. Specifically, we present a deterministic algorithm to fi...
Given a 2-node connected, undirected graph G = (V, E), with n nodes and m edges with real weights, and given a minimum spanning tree (MST) T = (V, ET ) of G, we study the problem o...