— Since sequential patterns may exist in multiple sequence databases, we propose algorithm PropagatedMine+ to efficiently discover multi-domain sequential patterns. Prior works ...
Abstract. The new type of patterns: sequential patterns with the negative conclusions is proposed in the paper. They denote that a certain set of items does not occur after a regul...
Incremental mining of sequential patterns from data streams is one of the most challenging problems in mining data streams. However, previous work of mining sequential patterns fr...
The transversal hypergraph enumeration based algorithms can be efficient in mining frequent itemsets, however it is difficult to apply them to sequence mining problems. In this ...
Dong (Haoyuan) Li, Anne Laurent, Maguelonne Teisse...
We introduce a new algorithm for mining sequential patterns. Our algorithm is especially efficient when the sequential patterns in the database are very long. We introduce a novel...
Jay Ayres, Jason Flannick, Johannes Gehrke, Tomi Y...
Abstract. The problem of mining sequential patterns was recently introduced in 3 . We are given a database of sequences, where each sequence is a list of transactions ordered by tr...
Mining sequential patterns in large databases is an important research topic. The main challenge of mining sequential patterns is the high processing cost due to the large amount ...