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Social networks provide interesting algorithmic properties that can be used to bootstrap the security of distributed systems. For example, it is widely believed that social networ...
We study the mixing time of the Glauber dynamics for general spin systems on bounded-degree trees, including the Ising model, the hard-core model (independent sets) and the antife...
Gibbs sampling also known as Glauber dynamics is a popular technique for sampling high dimensional distributions defined on graphs. Of special interest is the behavior of Gibbs sa...
In the cyclic-to-random shuffle, we are given n cards arranged in a circle. At step k, we exchange the k'th card along the circle with a uniformly chosen random card. The pro...
In this paper, we develop a new "robust mixing" framework for reasoning about adversarially modified Markov Chains (AMMC). Let P be the transition matrix of an irreducib...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a Markov chain for sampling a random vector distributed according to a discretized Dirichlet distribution. We show that our Markov chain is rapi...
Spin systems are a general way to describe local interactions between nodes in a graph. In statistical mechanics, spin systems are often used as a model for physical systems. In c...
We study the mixing time of some Markov Chains converging to critical physical models. These models are indexed by a parameter β and there exists some critical value βc where th...
We analyze the mixing time of a natural local Markov chain (the Glauber dynamics) on configurations of the solid-onsolid model of statistical physics. This model has been proposed...