Abstract. Can we discover audio-visually consistent events from videos in a totally unsupervised manner? And, how to mine videos with different genres? In this paper we present our...
In this work we propose to exploit context sensor data for analyzing user generated videos. Firstly, we perform a low-level indexing of the recorded media with the instantaneous co...
Francesco Cricri, Igor D. D. Curcio, Sujeet Mate, ...
In this paper, we propose an audio-visual approach to video genre categorization. Audio information is extracted at block-level, which has the advantage of capturing local temporal...
Bogdan Ionescu, Klaus Seyerlehner, Christoph Rasch...
Abstract. For the task of assigning labels to an image to summarize its contents, many early attempts use segment-level information and try to determine which parts of the images c...
Abstract. The paper presents a new approach on an omni-directional omnistereo multi-camera system that allows the recording of panoramic 3D video with high resolution and quality a...
Christian Weissig, Oliver Schreer, Peter Eisert, P...
Rank-based fusion is indispensable in multiple search setups in lack of item retrieval scores, such as in meta-search with non-cooperative engines. We introduce a novel, simple, an...
Savvas A. Chatzichristofis, Konstantinos Zagoris, ...
In this paper, we present a novel PLSA-based aspect model and turn cross-media retrieval into two parts of multi-modal integration and correlation propagation. We first use multiva...
Abstract. We present a novel video retrieval system that accepts annotated freehand sketches as queries. Existing sketch based video retrieval (SBVR) systems enable the appearance ...