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Automatic cost analysis has interesting applications in the context of verification and certification of mobile code. For instance, the code receiver can use cost information in o...
Language runtime systems are increasingly being embedded in systems to support runtime extensibility via mobile code. Such systems raise a number of concerns when the code running...
D'Agents is a general-purpose mobile-agent system that has been used in several informationretrieval applications. In this paper, we first examine one such application, opera...
Robert S. Gray, George Cybenko, David Kotz, Ronald...
Growing popularity of the mobile code requires to consider various aspects related to its security. In the aviation industry there is a case when additional information needs to be...
In the last decade, many calculi for modelling distributed mobile code have been proposed. To assess their merits and encourage use, implementations of the calculi have often been...
Lorenzo Bettini, Rocco De Nicola, Daniele Falassi,...
: We are building an infrastructure for the platform-independent distribution and execution of high-performance mobile code as a future Internet technology to complement and perhap...
Code Mobility brings the possibility of building distributed systems better suited to a range of application areas. While platforms supporting Code Mobility are already in use, su...
Smartcards can be seen as service providing entities that implement a secure, tamper-proof storage and offer computational resources which make them ideally suited for a variety o...
We present a modal language for distributed computation which addresses the safety of mobile values as well as mobile code. The safety of mobile code is achieved with the modality...
Abstract. Many programming languages have been developed and implemented for mobile code environments. They are typically quite expressive. But while security is an important aspec...