Fourth generation mobile networks will allow end-users to roam over different network technologies, such as UMTS, CDMA2000 and Wi-Fi. These mobile networks make it possible to dete...
Maarten Wegdam, Jeroen van Bemmel, Ko Lagerberg, P...
We propose an architecture that consists of a ring of clusters for distributed mutual exclusion algorithms in mobile networks. The mobile network is partitioned into a number of cl...
Mobile networks are becoming increasingly popular as a means for distributing information to a large number of users. In comparison to wired networks, mobile networks are distingu...
The Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol enables mobile networks to change their point of attachment to the Internet, while preserving established sessions of the nodes ...
Malware defenses have primarily relied upon intrusion fingerprints to detect suspicious network behavior. While effective for discovering computers that are already compromised,...
Abstract. In nested mobile networks with NEMO basic support protocol [3], the pinball routing problem occurs because since it is based on bi-directional tunneling between the mobil...
Jeonghoon Park, Sangho Lee, Youho Lee, Hyunseung C...
—Considering user behaviors in the performance evaluation of mobile networks is crucial as traffic generation in such networks is highly dependent on mobility and communication a...
—Wireless and mobile networks have experienced great success over the past few years. However, any single type of wireless and mobile network cannot provide all types of services...
In recent years, many Mobile Payment (MP) schemes have been proposed and used in practise. However, a prerequisite for extended acceptance and adoption of MP technologies is to de...
This paper investigates the performance of TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC) to control the transmission rate of scalable video streams when used in a mobile network. The streams a...