
80views more  MOC 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
A modification of Shanks' baby-step giant-step algorithm
Abstract. I describe a modification to Shanks' baby-step giant-step algorithm for computing the order n of an element g of a group G, assuming n is finite. My method has the a...
David C. Terr
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14 years 2 months ago
Convergence of gauge method for incompressible flow
A new formulation, a gauge formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in terms of an auxiliary field a and a gauge variable , u = a + , was proposed recently by E an...
Cheng Wang, Jian-Guo Liu
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14 years 2 months ago
Bivariate composite vector valued rational interpolation
In this paper we point out that bivariate vector valued rational interpolants (BVRI) have much to do with the vector-grid to be interpolated. When a vector-grid is well-defined, on...
Jieqing Tan, Shuo Tang
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14 years 2 months ago
Poonen's question concerning isogenies between Smart's genus 2 curves
We describe a method for proving that two explicitly given genus two curves have isogenous jacobians. We apply the method to the list of genus 2 curves with good reduction away fro...
Paul B. van Wamelen
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14 years 2 months ago
Almost periodic factorization of certain block triangular matrix functions
Let G(x) = eixIm 0 c-1e-ix + c0 + c1eix e-ixIm , where cj Cm
Ilya M. Spitkovsky, Darryl Yong
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14 years 2 months ago
Salem numbers of negative trace
We prove that, for all d 4, there are Salem numbers of degree 2d and trace -1, and that the number of such Salem numbers is d/ (log log d)2 . As a consequence, it follows that the...
C. J. Smyth
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14 years 2 months ago
Some polynomials over Q(t) and their Galois groups
Abstract. Examples of polynomials with Galois group over Q(t) corresponding to every transitive group through degree eight are calculated, constructively demonstrating the existenc...
Gene Ward Smith
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14 years 2 months ago
Extrapolation methods and derivatives of limits of sequences
Let {Sm} be an infinite sequence whose limit or antilimit S can be approximated very efficiently by applying a suitable extrapolation method E0 to {Sm}. Assume that the Sm and henc...
Avram Sidi
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14 years 2 months ago
A parallel method for time-discretization of parabolic problems based on contour integral representation and quadrature
We treat the time discretization of an initial-value problem for a ous abstract parabolic equation by first using a representation of the solution as an integral along the boundary...
Dongwoo Sheen, Ian H. Sloan, Vidar Thomée
76views more  MOC 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
The convergence of the cascadic conjugate-gradient method applied to elliptic problems in domains with re-entrant corners
Abstract. We study the convergence properties of the cascadic conjugategradient method (CCG-method), which can be considered as a multilevel method without coarse-grid correction. ...
Vladimir Shaidurov, Lutz Tobiska