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Abstract. Model management is a metadata-based approach to database problems aimed at supporting the productivity of developers by providing schema manipulation operators. Here we ...
Paolo Atzeni, Luigi Bellomarini, Francesca Bugiott...
Abstract. The model management operator ModelGen translates a schema expressed in one modelling language into an equivalent schema expressed in another modelling language, and in a...
The vision of dataspaces has been articulated as providing various of the benefits of classical data integration but with reduced up-front costs, which, combined with opportunitie...
Cornelia Hedeler, Khalid Belhajjame, Lu Mao, Norma...
Model management is a framework for supporting meta-data related applications where models and mappings are manipulated as first class objects using operations such as Match, Merge...
Model-Driven Development requires model management languages and tools for supporting model operations such as editing, consistency checking, and transformation. At the core of the...
Dimitrios S. Kolovos, Richard F. Paige, Fiona Pola...
Software development involves the use of many models and Eclipse provides an ideal infrastructure for building tools to support the use of models. While there is a large selection...
Rick Salay, Marsha Chechik, Steve M. Easterbrook, ...
Abstract. As part of the AMMA project (ATLAS Model Management Architecture), we are currently building several model management tools to support the tasks of modeling in the large ...
Abstract. The goal of Model Management is the development of new technologies and mechanisms to support the integration, evolution and matching of models. Such tasks are to be perf...
David Kensche, Christoph Quix, Mohamed Amine Chatt...
Manipulation of models and mappings is a common task in the design and development of information systems. Research in Model Management aims at supporting these tasks by providing...
David Kensche, Christoph Quix, Xiang Li 0002, Yong...
: Model Management aims at developing new technologies and mechanisms to support the integration, evolution and matching of models. Such tasks are to be performed by means of a set...