Analyzing and modelling a software system with separate views is a good practice to deal with complexity and maintainability. When adopting such a modular approach for modelling, i...
Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Robert B. France, S...
Abstract. There is no standard modelling language for constraint programming (CP) problems. Most solvers have their own modelling language. This makes it diļ¬cult for modellers to...
Nicholas Nethercote, Peter J. Stuckey, Ralph Becke...
In this paper we enrich FIEVeL (a modelling language for institutions amenable to model checking) with new constructs to describe norms and sanctions. Moreover, we present a speciļ...
In this abstract, we present a rule-based modelling language for constraint programming, called Rules2CP [1], and a library PKML for modelling packing problems. Unlike other modell...