
107views more  FAC 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Atomic actions, and their refinements to isolated protocols
Inspired by the properties of the refinement development of the Mondex Electronic Purse, we view an isolated atomic action as a family of transitions with a common before-state, an...
Richard Banach, Gerhard Schellhorn
88views more  FAC 2008»
14 years 15 days ago
The certification of the Mondex electronic purse to ITSEC Level E6
Ten years ago the Mondex electronic purse was certified to ITSEC Level E6, the highest level of assuranceforsecuresystems.ThisinvolvedbuildingformalmodelsintheZnotation,linkingthem...
Jim Woodcock, Susan Stepney, David Cooper, John A....
127views more  FAC 2008»
14 years 15 days ago
Mechanising Mondex with Z/Eves
We describe our experiences in mechanising the specification, refinement, and proof of the Mondex Electronic Purse using the Z/Eves theorem prover. We took a conservative approach ...
Leo Freitas, Jim Woodcock
75views more  ENTCS 2008»
14 years 16 days ago
On the Refinement of Atomic Actions
Inspired by the properties of the refinement development of the Mondex Electronic Purse, we view an atomic action as a family of transitions with a common before-state, and differ...
Richard Banach, Gerhard Schellhorn