We present a novel probabilistic framework for rigid tracking and segmentation of shapes observed from multiple cameras. Most existing methods have focused on solving each of thes...
The fast-flux service network architecture has been widely adopted by bot herders to increase the productivity and extend the lifespan of botnets’ domain names. A fast-flux bot...
Web site development method is at an early stage in its evolution. Most existing methods are concerned with technical software issues and are poorly adapted to help developers thi...
Discovering interesting patterns in event sequences is a popular task in the field of data mining. Most existing methods try to do this based on some measure of cohesion to deter...
Two major challenges in collaborative filtering are the efficiency of the algorithms and the quality of the recommendations. A variety of machine learning methods have been applie...
Image matting deals with finding the probability that each pixel in an image belongs to a user specified `object' or to the remaining `background'. Most existing methods...
Detecting and segmenting moving objects in dynamic scenes is a hard but essential task in a number of applications such as surveillance. Most existing methods only give good resul...
The solutions to many vision problems involve integrating measurements from multiple sources. Most existing methods rely on a hidden assumption, i.e., these measurements are consi...