In this paper we introduce a new class of facet-inducing inequalities for the Windy Rural Postman Problem and the Windy General Routing Problem. These inequalities are called Zigz...
Stochastic programming is the subfield of mathematical programming that considers optimization in the presence of uncertainty. During the last four decades a vast amount of litera...
We study the interpolation procedure of Gomory and Johnson (1972), which generates cutting planes for general integer programs from facets of cyclic group polyhedra. This idea has...
There are many applications related to singly linearly constrained quadratic programs subjected to upper and lower bounds. In this paper, a new algorithm based on secant approximat...
Given an undirected graph G = (V;E) and three speci ed terminal nodes t1;t2;t3, a 3-cut is a subset A of E such that no two terminals are in the same component of GnA. If a non-neg...
Kevin K. H. Cheung, William H. Cunningham, Lawrenc...
Abstract We give new error bounds for the linear complementarity problem where the involved matrix is a P-matrix. Computation of rigorous error bounds can be turned into a P-matrix...
We present a series of related robust optimization models for placing sensors in municipal water networks to detect contaminants that are maliciously or accidentally injected. We f...
Robert D. Carr, Harvey J. Greenberg, William E. Ha...