We investigate the impact of power control on latency in wireless ad-hoc networks. If transmission power is increased, interference increases, thus reducing network capacity. A no...
Motivated by the tradeoff between security and efficiency performance parameters that has been imposed on all modern wireless security protocols, we designed a novel security syst...
One of the central problems in video transmission over lossy channels is the choice of source and channel coding rates to allocate the available transmission rate optimally. In th...
We show that randomized beamforming is a simple yet efficient communication strategy in wireless multihop networks if no neighbor location information is at hand. Already small an...
Robert Vilzmann, Christian Bettstetter, Daniel Med...
The performance of mobile ad hoc networks can be influenced by numerous factors, including protocol design at every layer; parameter settings such as retransmission limits and ti...
Envisioning a new generation of sensor network applications in healthcare and workplace safety, we seek mechanisms that provide timely and reliable transmissions of mission-critic...
We consider the problem of energy aware localized routing in ad hoc networks. In localized routing algorithms, each node forwards a message based on the position information about...
Israat Tanzeena Haque, Chadi Assi, J. William Atwo...
This work describes a detailed simulation-based study of the performance of an IEEE 802.11e Medium Access Control (MAC) layer over an IEEE 802.11g Physical (PHY) layer. The study ...