
246views more  COMCOM 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Tabu search algorithm for RP selection in PIM-SM multicast routing
: - To construct a multicast tree is the basis of multicast data transmission. The prime problem concerning the construction of a shared multicast tree is to determine the position...
Hua Wang, Xiangxu Meng, Min Zhang, Yanlong Li
94views more  TON 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Multicast routing and wavelength assignment in multihop optical networks
Abstract--This paper addresses multicast routing in circuitswitched multihop optical networks employing wavelength-division multiplexing. We consider a model in which multicast com...
Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Rami G. Melhem
106views more  COMCOM 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Algorithms for delay-constrained low-cost multicast tree construction
With the proliferation of multimedia group applications, the construction of multicast trees satisfying Quality of Service QoS requirements is becoming a problem of prime import...
R. Sriram, Govindarasu Manimaran, C. Siva Ram Murt...
177views more  JSAC 2007»
14 years 3 months ago
Achieving Shared Protection for Dynamic Multicast Sessions in Survivable Mesh WDM Networks
— The advances in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology are expected to facilitate bandwidth-intensive multicast applications. A single fiber failure in such a netwo...
Hongbin Luo, Lemin Li, Hongfang Yu, Sheng Wang
14 years 4 months ago
An Algorithm for Multicast with Multiple QoS Constraints and Dynamic Membership
In this paper we present an algorithm to construct low-cost source trees for multicast with multiple QoS constraints and dynamic membership. Assuming the availability of link-state...
Aiguo Fei, Mario Gerla
14 years 4 months ago
MAF: Un Protocole de Multicast Fiable
— This paper describes the design and implementation of a novel reliable multicast protocol, totally reliable and scalable to large number of receivers. MAF relies on Active Netw...
Prométhée Spathis, Kim Loan Thai
102views Multimedia» more  MMNS 2003»
14 years 4 months ago
A Heuristic Algorithm for the Multi-constrained Multicast Tree
Multicasting is an important communication mechanism for implementing real-time multimedia applications, which usually require the underlying network to provide a number of quality...
Wen-Lin Yang
14 years 4 months ago
A Case for Mesh-Tree-Interaction in End System Multicasting
Abstract. End System Multicasting (ESM) is fast becoming a feasible alternative to IP multicasting. ESM approaches can be broadly classified into two main categories: (i) Tree firs...
Anirban Chakrabarti, Govindarasu Manimaran
14 years 5 months ago
Multi-Objective Multicast Routing based on Ant Colony Optimization
This work presents a new multiobjective algorithm based on ant colonies, which is used in the construction of the multicast tree for data transmission in a computer network. The pr...
Diego Pinto, Benjamín Barán, Ram&oac...
14 years 7 months ago
ARIES: A Rearrangeable Inexpensive Edge-Based On-Line Steiner Algorithm
In this paper, we propose and evaluate ARIES, a heuristic for updating multicast trees dynamically in large point-to-point networks. The algorithm is based on monitoring the accum...
Fred Bauer, Anujan Varma