This paper presents a method for synchronizing multiple cameras from only the images captured by the cameras, assuming that they are not connected to an external clock signal sour...
In this work, we solve the pose estimation problem for robot motion by placing multiple cameras on the robot. In particular, we use four cameras arranged as two back-to-back stere...
Mohammad Ehab Ragab, King Hong Wong, Jun Zhou Chen...
Vision algorithms utilizing camera networks with a common field of view are becoming increasingly feasible and important. Calibration of such camera networks is a challenging and ...
Helmholtz stereopsis has been previously introduced as a surface reconstruction technique that does not assume a model of surface reflectance. This technique relies on the use of ...
Todd Zickler, Peter N. Belhumeur, David J. Kriegma...
We illustrate how to consider a network of cameras as a single generalized camera in a framework proposed by Nayar [13]. We derive the discrete structure from motion equations for...