Measuring similarity of two musical pieces is an ill-defined problem for which recent research on contextual information, assigned as free-form text (tags) in social networking s...
In this paper, to automatically generate musical thumbnails that contain the main part of the original tune, we propose a new estimation method for identifying structure changes i...
The discovery of frequent musical patterns (motifs) is a relevant problem in musicology. This paper introduces an unsupervised algorithm to address this problem in symbolically-rep...
Staff removal is an important preprocessing step of the Optical Music Recognition (OMR). The process aims to remove the stafflines from a musical document and retain only the music...
In this paper, we propose a concept for helping performers to freely demonstrate their musical expression. This approach divides all of the musical elements into non-expressive el...
graphical abstractions, Hyperscore provides a visual analogue for what is happening structurally in the music as opposed to displaying musical events in procedural notation or as a...
Morwaread M. Farbood, Egon C. Pasztor, Kevin Jenni...
An artificial neural network was trained to classify musical chords into four categories--major, dominant seventh, minor, or diminished seventh--independent of musical key. After ...
We address the relationship between a music performer and her instrument as a possible model for re-thinking wearable technologies. Both musical instruments and textiles invite pa...
This paper proposes a method for separating the signals of individual musical instruments from monaural musical audio. The mixture signal is modeled as a sum of the spectra of ind...
We propose an environment for musical constraint solving, in the visual programming language OpenMusic. We describe an implementation of a local search algorithm, called adaptive s...