
121views more  IACR 2011»
13 years 2 months ago
Two RFID Privacy Models in Front of a Court
In ASIACRYPT 2007, Vaudenay proposed a comprehensive privacy model for unilateral RFID schemes. Soon after, in ASIACCS 2008, Paise and Vaudenay presented a new version of the cited...
Mohammad Hassan Habibi, Mohammad Reza Aref
132views more  INFORMATICALT 2010»
14 years 2 days ago
An Improved Securer and Efficient Nonce-Based Authentication Scheme with Token-Update
In this paper, we propose a mutual authentication scheme using nonce variable instead of Mac address and accompanying with token updates to improve the functionality. Lee et al. (2...
Chiu-Hsiung Liao, Ching-Te Wang, Hon-Chan Chen
14 years 19 days ago
Efficient Mutual Authentication for Multi-domain RFID Systems Using Distributed Signatures
Abstract. The use of RFID technology in complex and distributed environments often leads to a multi-domain RFID system in which security issues such as authentication of tags and r...
Michael Braun, Ulrike Meyer, Susanne Wetzel
148views more  IJSN 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Authentication and secret search mechanisms for RFID-aware wireless sensor networks
: This paper investigates authentication and secure data retrieval issues in Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID)-aware wireless sensor networks. We propose a network architecture...
Shih-I Huang, Shiuhpyng Shieh
143views more  IJNSEC 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
New Cryptanalysis Paradigm on a Nonce-based Mutual Authentication Scheme
In 2005, Lee, Kim, and Yoo proposed a nonce-based mutual authentication scheme using smart cards. However, this paper demonstrates that Lee-Kim-Yoo's scheme is vulnerable to ...
Da-Zhi Sun, Zhen-Fu Cao
155views more  IJNSEC 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Cryptanalysis of Liao-Lee-Hwang's Dynamic ID Scheme
Recently, Das, Saxena and Gulati proposed a dynamic Id based remote user authentication scheme that allows the users to choose and change their passwords freely and does not maint...
Mohammed Misbahuddin, C. Shoba Bindu
102views Cryptology» more  ICISC 2007»
14 years 4 months ago
Passive Attacks on a Class of Authentication Protocols for RFID
Abstract. Mutual authentication mechanisms can be used in RFID systems to preserve the confidentiality of the RFID tags. Hiding the unique IDs of the tags is critical to prevent u...
Basel Alomair, Loukas Lazos, Radha Poovendran
102views Security Privacy» more  SP 2006»
14 years 8 months ago
Secure Device Pairing based on a Visual Channel (Short Paper)
Recently several researchers and practitioners have begun to address the problem of how to set up secure communication between two devices without the assistance of a trusted thir...
Nitesh Saxena, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Kari Kostiainen, N...
14 years 9 months ago
Enforcing User-Aware Browser-Based Mutual Authentication with Strong Locked Same Origin Policy
The standard solution for mutual authentication between human users and servers on the Internet is to execute a TLS handshake during which the server authenticates using a X.509 ce...
Sebastian Gajek, Mark Manulis, Jörg Schwenk