Interests to realize semantic frames databases as a stable starting point in developing semantic knowledge based systems exists in countries such as Germany (the Salsa project), E...
In the past, NLP has always been based on the explicit or implicit use of linguistic knowledge. In classical computer linguistic applications explicit rule based approaches prevai...
Most dialogue systems are built with a single task in mind. This makes the extension of an existing system one of the major problems in the field as large parts of the system hav...
We present our work on using Wikipedia as a knowledge source for Natural Language Processing. We first describe our previous work on computing semantic relatedness from Wikipedia...
This paper presents a way to perform speaker adaptation for automatic speech recognition using the stream weights in a multi-stream setup, which included acoustic models for “Ar...
The work1 we present here is concerned with the acquisition of deep grammatical information for nouns in Spanish. The aim is to build a learner that can handle noise, but, more in...
Texts exhibit subtle yet identifiable modality about writers’ estimation of how true each statement is (e.g., definitely true or somewhat true). This study is an analysis of suc...
We describe the use of meeting metadata, acquired using a computerized meeting organization and note-taking system, to improve automatic transcription of meetings. By applying a t...
We propose a variation of the SO-PMI algorithm for Japanese, for use in Weblog Opinion Mining. SO-PMI is an unsupervised approach proposed by Turney that has been shown to work we...