—The complexity of modern systems (in both, the and hardware domain) raises the need for abstract ions in early stages of the design flow. Such abstract descriptions are provide...
Nils Przigoda, Judith Peters, Mathias Soeken, Robe...
—Automated software engineering research aspires to lead to more consistent software, faster delivery and lower production costs. Meanwhile, RESTful design is rapidly gaining mom...
In this paper, we present an experiment conducted for comparing how experts and students assess the quality of class diagrams. Six quality attributes were addressed: Understandabil...
Bilal Karasneh, Dave R. Stikkolorum, Enrique Lario...
—Extensible languages allow incremental extensions of anguage with domain specific abstractions. Debuggers for such languages must be extensible as well to support debugging of ...
—In Concern-Orientation, software systems are built with the help of reusable artifacts called concerns, leading to reuse hierarchies, because higher-level concerns may reuse low...
The ability to reuse transformations across a range of related metamodels is highly desired for many model-driven approaches. For example, it would be useful to be able to reuse s...
—Model-based code-generators are complex in nature; they are built using a variety of tools such as language workbenches, and model-to-model and model-to-text transformation lang...
Abstract. Beside strict linguistic commitments of models to metamodels, documents to schemata, programs to grammars and activities to protocols, we often require or crave more fle...
Current model manipulation programs more and more have to cope with multiple metamodel versions. This includes tool integration scenarios and language evolution scenarios where new...
—The paper presents an experience report in course design for a versatile group of computer science students where their needs were surfaced and met by the combination of strict ...