The service overlay network (SON) is an effective mean to deploy end-to-end QoS guaranteed content delivery services on the current Internet. We model the content delivery service ...
Abstract. We calculate call and burst blocking probabilities (CBP and BBP respectively) in a single link loss system accommodating service-classes of ONOFF traffic calls, either of...
: IEEE 802.11 exhibits both short-term and long-term unfairness [15]. The short-term fairness automatically gives rise to long-term fairness, but not vice versa [11]. When we thoro...
Having in mind that real-time streams tolerate some deadline misses according to (m,k)-firm constraints [1], this paper presents a solution that consists in integrating (m,k)-firm ...
If efficient network analysis tools were available, it could become possible to detect the attacks, anomalies and to appropriately take action to contain the attacks. In this paper...
Seong Soo Kim, A. L. Narasimha Reddy, Marina Vannu...
Abstract. In computer networks (and, say, transportation networks), we can consider the situation where each user has its own routing decision so as to minimize noncooperatively th...
To support service guarantees in packet-switched networks, three approaches have been proposed. They are the Stateless Core (SCORE) approach, the Integrated Services (IntServ) appr...
The next generation Internet is designed to accommodate flows that span across multiple domains with quality of service guarantees, in particular bandwidth. In this context, destin...
Kin-Hon Ho, Ning Wang, Panos Trimintzios, George P...
Abstract. If quality of service could be provided at the transport or the application layer, then it might be deployed simply by software upgrades, instead of requiring a complete ...