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With the increasing popularity of the WWW, the main challenge in computer science has become content-based retrieval of multimedia objects. Access to multimedia objects in database...
Arjen P. de Vries, Menzo Windhouwer, Peter M. G. A...
In this paper we introduce the logic programminglanguage Disjunctive Chronolog which combines the programming paradigms of temporal and disjunctive logic programming. Disjunctive C...
Replication is known to offer high availability in the presence of failures. This paper considers the case of a client making invocations on a group of replicated servers. It iden...
The use of proxies for local error recovery and congestion control is a scalable technique used to overcome a number of wellknown problems in Reliable Multicast (RM). The idea is ...
Delivering data to on-line game participants requires the game data to be "customized" in real-time to each participant's characteristics. Using multicast in such a...
Manuel M. Oliveira, Jon Crowcroft, Christophe Diot
Several architectures have been recently proposed to support IP mobility. Most studies, however, show that current protocols, in general, fall short from satisfying the performanc...
We examine the use of a hop-limit constraint with techniques to provide survivability for connection-oriented ATM group communications. A hop-limit constraint is an approach that ...