
13 years 11 months ago
Restructuring Sparse High Dimensional Data for Effective Retrieval
The task in text retrieval is to find the subset of a collection of documents relevant to a user's information request, usually expressed as a set of words. Classically, docu...
Charles Lee Isbell Jr., Paul A. Viola
13 years 11 months ago
Convergence of the Wake-Sleep Algorithm
The W-S (Wake-Sleep) algorithm is a simple learning rule for the models with hidden variables. It is shown that this algorithm can be applied to a factor analysis model which is a...
Shiro Ikeda, Shun-ichi Amari, Hiroyuki Nakahara
13 years 11 months ago
Call-Based Fraud Detection in Mobile Communication Networks Using a Hierarchical Regime-Switching Model
Fraud causes substantial losses to telecommunication carriers. Detection systems which automatically detect illegal use of the network can be used to alleviate the problem. Previo...
Jaakko Hollmén, Volker Tresp
13 years 11 months ago
Learning from Dyadic Data
Dyadic data refers to a domain with two nite sets of objects in which observations are made for dyads, i.e., pairs with one element from either set. This type of data arises natur...
Thomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha, Michael I. Jordan
13 years 11 months ago
Outcomes of the Equivalence of Adaptive Ridge with Least Absolute Shrinkage
Adaptive Ridge is a special form of Ridge regression, balancing the quadratic penalization on each parameter of the model. It was shown to be equivalent to Lasso (least absolute s...
Yves Grandvalet, Stéphane Canu
13 years 11 months ago
Learning Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using an EM Algorithm
The Expectation Maximization EM algorithm is an iterative procedure for maximum likelihood parameter estimation from data sets with missing or hidden variables 2 . It has been app...
Zoubin Ghahramani, Sam T. Roweis
13 years 11 months ago
Efficient Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Large Discrete Domains
In this paper we examine the problem of estimating the parameters of a multinomial distribution over a large number of discreteoutcomes,most of which do not appearin the training ...
Nir Friedman, Yoram Singer
13 years 11 months ago
Global Optimisation of Neural Network Models via Sequential Sampling
We propose a novel strategy for training neural networks using sequential Monte Carlo algorithms. This global optimisation strategy allows us to learn the probability distribution...
João F. G. de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan, Ar...
13 years 11 months ago
Learning to Estimate Scenes from Images
We seek the scene interpretation that best explains image data. For example, we may want to infer the projected velocities (scene) which best explain two consecutive image frames ...
William T. Freeman, Egon C. Pasztor
13 years 11 months ago
Optimizing Correlation Algorithms for Hardware-Based Transient Classification
R. Timothy Edwards, Gert Cauwenberghs, Fernando J....