In lamprey, the supraspinal control of velocity is mainly accomplished by the reticulospinal (RS) system. During locomotion, RS neurones are rhythmically active with a cycle durat...
In this paper we present an approach to robot arm control based on exploiting the dynamical properties of a simple neural network oscillator circuit coupled to the joints of an ar...
A recurrent neural network can possess multiple stable states, a property that many brain theories have implicated in learning and memory. There is good evidence for such multista...
The selection and control of action is a critical problem for both biological and machine animated systems that must operate in complex real world situations. Visually guided eye ...
Cross validation can be used to detect when over tting starts during supervised training of a neural network; training is then stopped before convergence to avoid the overtting ...
A learning model for coupled oscillators is proposed. The proposed learning rule takes a simple form by which the intrinsic frequencies of the component oscillators and the coupli...
We experimented on task-level robot learning based on bi-directional theory. The via-point representation was used for ‘learning by watching’. In our previous work, we had a r...
Learning long-term temporal dependencies with recurrent neural networks can be a difficult problem. It has recently been shown that a class of recurrent neural networks called NA...