The medial temporal lobe may play a critical role in binding successive events into memory while encoding contextual information in implicit and explicit memory tasks. Information...
- Contiguity Analysis is a straightforward generalization of Linear Discriminant Analysis in which the partition of elements is replaced by a more general graph structure. Applied ...
The Vector Integration to Endpoint (VITE) circuit describes a real-time neural network model simulating behavioral and neurobiological properties of planned arm and hand movements...
Neurons in area V 2 and V 4 exhibit stimulus specific tuning to single stimuli, and respond at intermediate firing rates when presented with two differentially preferred stimuli (...
Jyoti Mishra, Jean-Marc Fellous, Terrence J. Sejno...
Surround suppression occurs when a visual stimulus outside a neuron's classical receptive field causes a reduction in firing rate. It has become clear that several mechanisms...
Modular model is a particular type of committee machine and is comprised of a set of specialized (local) models each of which is responsible for a particular region of the input s...
A novel method for estimating prediction uncertainty using machine learning techniques is presented. Uncertainty is expressed in the form of the two quantiles (constituting the pr...
Neurophysiology reveals the properties of individual mirror neurons in the macaque while brain imaging reveals the presence of `mirror systems' (not individual neurons) in th...
The existence of multiple parallel loops connecting sensorimotor systems to the basal ganglia has given rise to proposals that these nuclei serve as a selection mechanism resolvin...