In this paper we want to reconsider the role anthropology (both its theory and methods) can play within HCI research. One of the areas anthropologists can contribute to here is to...
In this paper we show how historical data, such as existing domain-specific databases or access logs, can be used to guide user interface design. We show how we employed such data...
The ixi software is an ongoing interdisciplinary research project. It focuses on the creation of screen-based interfaces as digital musical instruments. The notion of situated cog...
A stylus-based text entry technique called Unipad is presented. Unipad combines single-stroke text input with language-based acceleration techniques, including word completion, su...
In this paper we present a number of augmented refrigerator magnet concepts. The concepts are shown to be derived from previous research into the everyday use of fridge surfaces. ...
Alex S. Taylor, Laurel Swan, Rachel Eardley, Abiga...
This paper presents SpiraList, a focus+context visualization technique for interacting with large lists on handheld devices. SpiraList has been specifically designed to fit the co...
In context photography, sensors gather real-time context information, which visually affects a photograph as it is taken. We have implemented a prototype running on standard camer...
In this paper, the results of a front-page genre analysis of 290 Swedish municipality Web sites are presented, and the appropriateness of the identified design solutions are discu...