Pen-and-ink line drawing techniques are frequently used to depict form, tone, and texture in artistic, technical, and scientific illustration. In non-photorealistic rendering (NP...
Tobias Isenberg, Petra Neumann, M. Sheelagh T. Car...
In recent years considerable interest has been given to nonphotorealistic rendering of photographs, video, and 3D models for illustrative or artistic purposes. Conventional 2D inp...
Noah Snavely, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Sing Bing Kang,...
Felt is mankind’s oldest and simplest textile, composed of a pressed mass of fibers. Images can be formed directly in the fabric by arranging the fibers to represent the image...
We describe an algorithm for rendering animated smoke particle systems in a cartoon style. This style includes outlines and celshading. For efficient self-shadowing effects, we in...
We present techniques to create convincing high-quality watercolor illustrations of plants. Mainly focusing on the real-time rendering, we introduce methods to abstract the visual...
ROJECTPROJECT ABSTRACTABSTRACTABSTRACT After achieving real-time photorealistic rendering, the computer graphics community is beginning to turn its attention to non-photorealistic ...
Electric Sheep is a distributed screen-saver that harnesses idle computers into a render farm with the purpose of animating and evolving artificial life-forms known as sheep. The...
: Some example effects achieved by our extended toon shader: continuous levels of abstraction (a); abstraction of near-silhouette regions: smoothing (b), and opacity (c); backlight...