As consumer electronic devices with embedded browsers become popular, financial institutions and online merchants set up websites to accommodate visitors using these devices. Thes...
Having decided to focus attention on the "weak link" of human fallibility, a growing number of security researchers are discovering the US Government's regulations ...
Instant messaging (IM) systems have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The increasing number of IM users has lured malware authors to develop more worms and viruses that ...
Understanding the spammer behavior is a critical step in the long-lasting battle against email spams. Previous studies have focused on setting up honeypots or email sinkholes cont...
Abhinav Pathak, Y. Charlie Hu, Zhuoqing Morley Mao
In this paper we highlight a number of challenges that arise in using crawling to measure the size, topology, and dynamism of distributed botnets. These challenges include traffic...
Chris Kanich, Kirill Levchenko, Brandon Enright, G...
We develop new techniques to map botnet membership using traces of spam email. To group bots into botnets we look for multiple bots participating in the same spam email campaign. ...
Li Zhuang, John Dunagan, Daniel R. Simon, Helen J....
While the web provides information and services that enrich our lives in many ways, it has also become the primary vehicle for delivering malware. Once infected with web-based mal...
Using statistical machine learning for making security decisions introduces new vulnerabilities in large scale systems. This paper shows how an adversary can exploit statistical m...
Blaine Nelson, Marco Barreno, Fuching Jack Chi, An...
The global network of datacenters is emerging as an important distributed systems paradigm -- commodity clusters running high-performance applications, connected by high-speed `la...
Mahesh Balakrishnan, Tudor Marian, Ken Birman, Hak...