We study complexity of the model-checking problems for LTL with registers (also known as freeze LTL and written LTL ) and for first-order logic with data equality tests (written F...
We study complexity issues related to the model-checking problem for LTL with registers (a.k.a. freeze LTL) over one-counter automata. We consider several classes of one-counter au...
We study the problem of strong/weak bisimilarity between processes of one-counter automata and finite-state processes. We show that the problem of weak bisimilarity between process...
Abstract. We investigate the possibility of (bi)simulation-like preorder/equivalence checking on the class of visibly pushdown automata and its natural subclasses visibly BPA (Basi...
We investigate the decidability and complexity of various model checking problems over one-counter automata. More specifically, we consider succinct one-counter automata, in which...
One-counter automata are a fundamental and widely-studied class of infinite-state systems. In this paper we consider one-counter automata with counter updates encoded in binary—...