We tackle the problem of defining a well-founded semantics (WFS) for Datalog rules with existentially quantified variables in their heads and negations in their bodies. In partic...
Abstract. There is rapidly growing momentum for web enabled agents that reason about and dynamically integrate the appropriate knowledge and services at run-time. The dynamic integ...
Kenneth Baclawski, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Paul A. Ko...
Since achieving W3C recommendation status in 2004, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) has been successfully applied to many problems in computer science. Practical experience with OW...
Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Ian Horrocks, Boris Motik, B...
Many popular ontology languages are based on (subsets of) first-order predicate logic, with classes represented by unary predicates and properties by binary predicates. Specificall...
Description Logics (DL) are gaining more popularity as the foundation of ontology languages for the Semantic Web. As most information in real life is imperfect, there has been an ...
Abstract. In this paper, we show how the web ontology language OWL can be accommodated within the larger framework of the heterogeneous common algebraic specification language HETC...
We integrate ontology languages and logic programming (LP) by extending disjunctive logic programs (DLPs) and their semantics in order to support inverses and an infinite univers...
Abstract. Controlled languages (CLs) are ambiguity-free subsets of natural languages such as English offering a good trade-off between the formal rigor of ontology and query langua...
—CSML is a semantic markup language created for the publishing and sharing of conceptual spaces, which are geometric structures that represent semantics at the conceptual level. ...
Ontology languages to represent ontologies exist in large numbers, and users who want to access or reuse ontologies can often be confronted with a language they do not know. Theref...
Patrick Ziegler, Christoph Sturm, Klaus R. Dittric...